All In By: D’Mario D. Carter
All In is a collection of poems written by author D’Mario D. Carter. These poems are reflections of his life, experiences, trials, and hardships that created the man he is today. The book is separated into four categories; The Boy, The Adolescent, The Man and Me. Each stage shows the growth of D’Mario as a person and an artist.

D’Mario looks to accomplish three objectives while conducting community involvement, speaking engagements, poetry performance, and life. He believes there are three messages one can learn from every lesson in life. Educating, informing, and empowering are the three components D’Mario incorporates whether he is on stage, or providing a helping hand on the streets. He believes these three elements are important and are key factors within any lesson or experience. D’Mario believes if we can’t teach people and help them grow further than the potential society has labeled them with, then we have truly failed each other.
Educating Our Youth
Informing Our World
Empowering Our Communities
University of Washington Workshop
Creative Services
Educational Talks
Motivational Speeches
Keynote Speeches

About D’Mario
His words are meant to aid people in their past, present, and future lives while encouraging them to be who they truly are. D’Mario is passionate about community empowerment. From providing aid to the homeless and hungry, to educating our future generations. D’Mario’s goal is to implement positivity throughout the world, whether it be with his words or through his actions. D’Mario has inhaled the air and exhaled his heart and soul so people of all ages, genders, and colors can “breathe easy”.

All In By: D’Mario Carter
All In is a collection of poems written by author D’Mario Carter. These poems are reflections of his life, experiences, trials, and hardships that created the man he is today. The book is separated into four categories; The Boy, The Adolescent, The Man and Me. Each stage shows the growth of D’Mario as a person and an artist.

Woke & Heard offers merchandise for those who would like to represent the movement and message in their own unique style, fashion, and color.
A portion of the proceeds from purchases are donated toward assisting the homeless and less-fortunate.

Woke & Heard at Golden West College
Follow The @WokeAndHeard Movement!

Interested in D’Mario performing at your next event?
“Breathe Easy”
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